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Optimising Management of Tuberculosis and Mycobacterial Infections with Genomic Approaches

Event Description

09 - 11 September 2025
Vilnius, Lithuania

ESCMID Foundation Course:

The treatment of drug-resistant TB is changing rapidly and profoundly with the introduction of new drugs and regimens; unfortunately, the diagnostic pipeline is lagging. WHO has recently endorsed the target Next Generation Sequencing as a molecular tool for rapidly collect genotypic information to be used for clinical management of drug resistant Tuberculosis. The implementation of the assay requires clear understanding of the potential and the limitation. It important that clinicians and microbiologists understand the limitations of phenotypic and phenotypic drug susceptibility testing (DST) for new drugs and which tests should be performed and when.

Intended audience:

Mycobacteriology experts with a good background knowledge on conventional phenotypic testing and molecular-based diagnostic and young clinicians in training managing mycobacterial infections. Ideally, candidate trainees should be involved in the implementation of the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies for clinical management of tuberculosis and other mycobacterial diseases.


  • Give an overview of the existing technologies and platforms to implement WGS and tNGS
  • Provide an update on what we can expect in the next two years in term of end-to end solutions and accessibility
  • Discuss the role of genotypic and phenotypic DST considering current WHO recommendation for the management of drug-resistant tuberculosis
  • Provide an update for the interpretation of genomic data for clinical management of drug-resistant tuberculosis and epidemiological analyses / contact tracing
  • Discuss the laboratory reporting of molecular data
  • Facilitate the discussion between microbiologists, molecular biologists, and clinicians on real life cases and on suitable diagnostic algorithms including NGS technology
  • Provide an update on the use of WGS for the management of infections by non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM)

Course coordinators:

Daniela Maria Cirillo, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Italy
Lorenzo Guglielmetti, National Reference Center for Mycobacteria, Sorbonne University, France


ESGMYC - Mycobacterial Infections
Associazione Microbiologi Clinici Italiani EST(AMCLI-EST)
University of Vilnius -  Faculty of Medicine
European Society of Mycobacteriology (ESM)


The ESCMID Education team will apply for accreditation to the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®)


Course organisers will monitor attendance. Only participants attending live sessions will be able to receive the certification.

Course Venue:

Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos
Hotel Congress


Not included



Registration is open until 21.08.2025.

Register here

Attendance Grant application

Attendance grant application is open until 20.07.2025.

Apply for grant here


Registration Fees

The registration fee includes course material, coffee breaks and lunches. 

The ESCMID Attendance Grant does not cover travel and accommodation expenses.



ESCMID Members

EUR 500

Non-ESCMID Members

EUR 700

ESCMID Young Scientist Member – Limited tickets

EUR 250

ESCMID LMIC Members – Limited tickets

EUR 250